May 29, 2015

In the Defense of Odette

Exciting bit of news! By the glories of modern technology, we were able to watch part of this movie together--from opposite sides of the country!

Whitney: We really need to talk about how dense Derek is when it comes to women and how awesome it is that Odette totally didn’t fall for it. But of course she wouldn’t, she was raised to be strong and independent. Yeah, she’s beautiful (as Derek stupidly pointed out while proposing. Seriously “What else is there?”), but she’s so much more. She doesn’t mind stating her opinion and keeping up with the boys. She’s a reader and intelligent. And she wants Derek to recognize that.

Becky: UGH. His “What else is there?” is the absolute WORST. I hated him for a long time after that. Looking back on it now, it was an interesting statement for the “handsome prince” to make. How often have we assumed that and made that assumption? “Love at first sight” and all. Now, these two had seen each other several times, but he never really saw her until suddenly she was pretty. And he was willing to throw everything in the past that he hated about her aside just because suddenly he was all “Ooh, look, pretty!”. Terrible. But a great statement to make, and for Odette to not stand for it was awesome. She forces him to look deeper if he really wants her. Derek is a moron.

Whitney: At least he realized how stupid he was soon after. And he was kind of put on the spot. I think it’s kind of obvious that Odette sees something in Derek--a kind of potential--or else why would she love him? 

Becky: Why else indeed… I think Derek sees something in Odette, and always has, but he was so focused on not liking her and being irritated by her that he never really thought about it. But then when she was suddenly appealing, he started paying more attention. And Odette always saw something special in Derek, but it was his resistance that fueled hers. She knows he can be a hero, but he’s always just been “the prince”. It’s his desire to be something for her, to find her, to see the “what else is there” that turns him into a hero. But why am I going on about him for? We’re defending Odette… She rocks. Doesn’t give in to the bad guy, continues to live with grace and hope, sees what’s beyond the surface, and is willing to sacrifice for what she loves. She’s tough, she’s smart, and yet she’s still soft and ethereal. Love it.

Whitney: And despite spending most of her time as a swan, Odette still works to get back to Derek, with the help of her animal friends. They find the map and work out a way to get Derek to the lake so he can see her change into her human form.

Becky: I love the whole sacrifice theme that comes into play at the end. They might have started off rocky, but these characters grew so much by the end. Derek was a real hero with a real heart, who finally saw the truth of Odette as she was. And she, of course, is just fantastic. It's a story of growing and faith and the sort of strength that endures for a lifetime. So good.

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