April 6, 2015

In the Defense of Mulan

Whitney: Mulan is completely different from any princess we’ve talked about so far. She’s not really a “princess,” but Disney counts her as one, so we are too. Mulan kind of sparks the change into the stereotypical “strong” woman that I think so many women expect to see nowadays. She has already felt awkward in her own skin, not doing anything right, but to save her father, she decides to take his place in the army and go to war. She cuts her hair, binds her breasts, and tries to act like a man. And she proves herself, she works hard and becomes just a strong and skilled as the other men in her troop. But when she’s revealed as a woman, suddenly everything she had worked for is gone. And she has to prove herself once again. Not only does she do that, but SHE SAVES FREAKIN’ CHINA! She saves a whole country! But at the end, all she wanted to do was bring honor to her family and gain the respect of her father.

Becky: And Shang is just helpless to resist her, and goes to her home, and presumably they live happily ever after. I imagine they have an interesting life together, what with her being bold and independent and free-thinking and him being the fairly traditional good Chinese warrior. But that’s what he likes about her. She’s different. Are we seeing a trend here? Literally all of the princesses so far have been liked for WHO THEY ARE. For being different. Not for fitting a mold, but for NOT fitting the mold. Whatever the mold happens to be.

Whitney: That’s so true. They are also kind and and sacrifice for others. That is the kind of person I want my future daughters to grow up to be.

Becky: And none of them are like each other. There is no cookie cutter princess. Just like there is no cookie cutter woman.

Becky: Also Mulan’s grandma is one of the best supporting animated characters ever. It needs to be said.


  1. I love this blog! Mulan is one of my all-time favorites. You said it perfectly, the princesses "have been liked for who they are".

    1. Absolutely, Erin! Mulan is just awesome, and so different from the others!


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