March 25, 2015

In the Defense of Snow White

Whitney: Okay, Snow White gets a lot of flack. But let’s think about her strengths. She sings (and whistles) while she works, even though she is made a servant in her own home. She also believes that things will get better. When her stepmother orders the huntsman to kill her, her kindness prevents him from doing so. Then she creates a home for the seven dwarfs. In fact, I would even say that they needed her. She brought laughter and music into their home. The animals love her because of her kindness toward them. If we should critique anyone in this movie, I think it should actually be the prince--he creeps on her and then shows up at the end when he should have been there preventing the Evil Queen from killing her in the first place.

Becky: Can we establish the fact that her STEPMOTHER is the villain? Snow White’s father is dead. The woman he married, who SHOULD have been taking care of and loving her, was jealous of her for being pretty and innocent. Are you KIDDING ME??? That woman is crazy! And she treats her like trash! But Snow White can still sing at the wishing well and dream of a prince. Sorry she didn’t dream of an amazing career in accounting on Wall Street, that wasn’t exactly an option for her. Despite the crap she faced in her home, which was a palace, yes, but she was hardly treated like the princess she was BY BIRTHRIGHT, she had hope. What EXACTLY is weak about that?

Becky: And yes, the prince is creepy. Or maybe just socially awkward. Let’s not step on his face because he doesn’t know what to do with a pretty girl by a well singing about love…

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