March 31, 2015

In the Defense of Belle

Beauty and the Beast (Belle)
Whitney: First, Belle is brunette with brown eyes. Yay! Second, she improves her mind by extensive reading! Yay! Third, she knows that there is so much more out there than what is available in the town she lives in. She isn’t willing to marry Gaston just because he’s “handsome”. She has a FANTASTIC relationship with her father, so much so that she offers herself as a trade for his life, thinking that she will be trapped in the dungeon of a horrible beast. But because of her kindness, she starts to bring the human side of the Beast out, to show him what kindness can do. And she starts seeing that things aren’t always what they seem.

Becky: I love Belle. I dare anyone to find fault with her. Bold woman, different from her surroundings, yet she stays because she loves her father. She dreams of a great life somewhere else, but she is limited by circumstances and situation. And because she is different, and knows that strength and beauty lie within, she can do the same for others. And when she finds herself falling in love with the Beast, when she realizes how other people see him, she risks her safety and probably her life to try and save him. The only person who saved Belle was a teacup on her father’s invention. Everything else Belle did on her own. She’s an adventurous dreamer with a big heart and fierce loyalty. 

Whitney: Well said. What I get out of Belle is that we should be intelligent, and seek to continue learning. We should love our parents, in spite of their eccentricities, and we should be self sacrificing for the good of others. We should also be kind and stand up for ourselves when we need to. And, again, to make the best out of our situation. I mean, she gets locked up with a Beast that she knows nothing about, and yet she makes friends and is kind, and goes through the effort of trying to get to know the Beast. She gave him hope when he didn’t have any.

Becky: And I'll say it..... THAT LIBRARY.....


  1. It's interesting that the Beast is one of the most "human" princes (in my opinion). He's someone you would actually meet in real life. He has his insecurities, moments of selfishness, silliness. But, he also learns the joy of a life of service and companionship versus worldly possessions and a beautiful appearance. A strong prince for a strong princess.

    1. I love that! I never would have thought of that. What I really like about Belle and the Beast is that they sort of save each other and fulfill each other's dreams. They aren't thinking about themselves, but the person they love.


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