April 10, 2015

In the Defense of Anna

Frozen (Anna)
Whitney: We’re going to take the Frozen sisters one at a time, starting with Anna. Anna isn’t like any other princess. I think just about anyone can see themselves in Anna. She’s energetic and imaginative. She daydreams, rambles when she talks, and is a little bit of a klutz. And just look at her hair when she first wakes up! So realistic!

Becky: Anna wants to be exactly what the “typical” princess is and has. Grand adventures, true love, a fairy tale ending… She wants it all! And again we get the innocence and naivete of someone who knows nothing of the world or of herself, really. So she falls for the first handsome guy to pay her attention, thinking it is exactly what she is supposed to have. Everything is exactly as she imagined it! Are we going to fault her for that? No! Without knowing any better, how can we? She is a trusting soul, and that’s not a bad thing to be.

Whitney: And she had a pretty lonely childhood. Her sister wouldn’t come out and play with her, and her parents died when she was still a teenager. She had ten years or something to keep herself occupied, so of course she fall for someone who actually pays attention to her. She’s a dreamer. How many of us think we’re in love with the first guy who seems interested? But she goes through this journey to get her sister back and she meets someone who gave her a really bad first impression, and apparently a second one as he left his mountain man/reindeer smell behind.

Becky: I love Kristoff. He’s a real guy. And the end of this movie leaves things fairly open for them, which I love. But we all know how it will go! And he loves Anna for who she is and knows her well enough for the love to be real! But this movie isn’t really about romantic love. It’s about family. Despite the isolation of her life, Anna risks her safety to go after her sister and to make things right. She believes in her sister without knowing the facts or questioning the separation of her childhood.

Whitney: Anna never loses her impulsiveness, but she does learn about the time and place for it. And, just like everyone else we’ve talked about, she’s kind and cheerful no matter her circumstance. She doesn’t want to ruin Olaf’s dream of summer, and she found ways to occupy her time when she was a kid. She’s willing to try to climb mountains and fight giant snowmen to get her sister back.

Becky: Anna may be a dreamer, but she is definitely a doer too. She’s not one to sit idly by and wait for life to happen. And she is obsessed with chocolate, so…..

Whitney: My kind of girl!

Becky: Amen!

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